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We’re 100% committed to providing you with all the benefits of managed IT services in Ottawa. We deliver complete and comprehensive solutions to support your business needs so you can operate more efficiently. We’ve taken a lot of care and attention to creating our IT packages, wanting to provide you with just the right support for your entire IT infrastructure. Here’s what our packaged services can do for you:

  • Reduce downtime

  • Deliver complete network security

  • Control and manage your IT budget

  • Bring you our expertise and reliability

Managed IT Services - How We Are Different

Help Desk Support

Our advanced Help Desk is here for you 24/7…along with W.A.D.E., our Artificial Intelligence support team member.

W.A.D.E. is able to quickly identify technical problems and find a fast and efficient solution to all your IT problems.


Centralized Services

We know that ongoing network monitoring is essential to your network security. We’re here to scan, update, and backup your entire network environment, giving you assurance and the peace of mind so you can focus on running your business.

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Network Administration

We ensure that your IT infrastructure is optimized and configured for best practices at all times. And we’ll provide you with up to date documentation about your entire network.

We’re also here to help prepare you for scaling your business. We’ll create a SWOT analysis that reviews your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Then we’ll help you take action to address each of those issues.

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Virtual CIO

Using SWOT analysis, our vCio provides support by recommending and planning innovative technology strategies for your business growth. We’re here to give you the guidance you need for business success.


Special Projects

We want you to think of us as your IT partner. We’re here to assist with any project no matter how big or complicated, through all stages from planning to implementation. We’ll ensure that your project is on time and on budget with the right solutions for your business. As partners, we’ll make it happen!

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They have been our tech support for a few years now and are always ready to help the old guy remember how to do stuff!

John Rapp, Executive Director – Dovercourt Recreation

I contacted NeoLore first thing in the morning while travelling, as I couldn’t sign in through my remote access. They got a technician on the line right away, who fixed the problem in about 3 minutes. It was great service.

Andrew Horsfield – Lord Elgin Hotel

We have been using NeoLore continuously for over 17 years. NeoLore provides us with real-time backup/duplication of our data and systems as well as keeping our software current and functional. NeoLore also sources all of our hardware needs as required. I’m especially pleased with the proactive, timely, and very cost-effective advice and service that NeoLore provides. Jim, Amy, and the rest of the team at NeoLore are very good communicators, and we are always kept "in the loop" as to the status of any projects they are working on for us. You're the best NeoLore!

Garth Steele, FCPA, FCA, President – Welch Fund Administration Services Inc.